Friday, October 18, 2013


Mongolian Wedding Tapestry

  Sometimes God is in the details.  That’s a saying I’ve heard all my life. Details are important.  I have a beautiful tapestry I bought on a mission’s trip in Mongolia. The tapestry itself, as a whole, is pretty, but not really something I would have bought for my home.  What sold me were the details.  It’s an antique tapestry traditionally made for a newly wed couple.  Each stitch in this 4 foot by 6 foot work of art has been hand stitched, the colors carefully chosen. The intricate design planned with a specific meaning. I was captivated by the purpose behind those amazing details and I had to have one.  It’s a treasure that I don’t plan on parting with.  
 When you or someone you love needs healing and healing doesn’t come right away, it’s easy to begin to think maybe God has forgotten you.  When we first started on this journey, we just believed for a miracle healing to take place in Ed’s body.  That was it.  I hoped every time he had a doctor’s appointment that they would just suddenly be unable to find anything wrong - miraculously healed- overnight. 
That’s what I wanted. 
 It seemed like the best way, to me. for God to be glorified in this situation.  But also, if I’m honest, maybe I thought it was the easiest way to get through this quickly without it interrupting or changing our lives in any significant way.  Maybe it would have lifted our faith a little, but we really wouldn’t have learned anything more than we already knew about God - we already knew he was a miracle healing God.  We’ve seen Him do it countless times.

  We began to realize that God was weaving our tapestry in different way than we would have chosen.  We needed Him to hand stitch the details of our life with a purpose that only He could create —miraculously.

  Now that we were moving towards transplant, one BIG detail was how we would manage to keep pastoring our church and give Ed time to recover.  We were in a good season at our church after coming through a difficult one.  God was doing some amazing things, but the ministry required all of both of us at that time.  It was an exciting time but an exhausting time as well and coupled with Ed’s illness only made it more exhausting for him.  He was tired.  We both were. And taking a break for surgery and recovery just didn’t seem possible. 

  It was in the middle of this detail dilemma that we got another phone call. The call came from a church on the Outer Banks of North Carolina – my hometown, They asked us to pray about and consider moving there where Ed would become the Family Life pastor.  We had received calls like this before. Actually during the difficult season I mentioned earlier, we had received three. We said no to all of them because we did not feel God was releasing us at that time.

            But this one was different…..

                                               and that caught us by surprise,

  As we prayed about it, we realized that God was in this and He was working out this detail in a way that only He could, This was an opportunity to do all the things we love about ministry without some of the administrative duties that we don’t love!  It was a chance to live a slower paced “beach life”.  More importantly we saw the need for this ministry and we felt God burdening our hearts to do it. 
We said yes.

Moving Day
  In the summer of 2012, we said goodbye to our church family. We loaded the moving truck and made the fifteen hour drive to our new home at The Ark Int’l Church in Nags Head, North Carolina,  We settled into a cute little beach cottage that the church had lovingly prepared for us.   
Sitting here,  over a year later, I am amazed at all the details God put into place for us. 

    - What church would actually hire a new staff member who was sick and   
       needed to take a break immediately after getting here? Yet this church 
       family welcomed us, loved us, and taken care of us through the most 
       difficult time we’ve ever faced. 

    - He placed us near my family where we could have their support.  My mom 
      and dad actually only live a few blocks away from us. My brother and his 
      family decided to move home too and their jobs were provided so quickly 
      that they actually moved before we did. For the first time in 20 years, we 
      all live near each other and it’s been so comforting to have them close by.


    - He placed us near Duke Hospital which is rated third in the nation for 
      kidney disease treatments.  They have been amazing and provided Ed 
      with exceptional medical care.

 God was weaving our tapestry with intricate details and with each new detail came a newer stronger level of faith. In a few months time this would all be finished and we could hang it up, see God’s handiwork, and return to our normal life or so I thought…
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