Saturday, February 4, 2017

Making Room for Baby

  I sat in a heap covered in spit up and baby drool surrounded by bottles and laundry that all needed to be washed, not to mention myself (how many days had it been since I had had a shower long enough to wash my hair?)

  Overwhelmed by sheer exhaustion, the tears began to come. I was new at this mom thing and as the instant, adoptive mother of a 9-month old; I was getting a crash course.  Gazing down at this sweet, toothless little baby girl, a strange mix of emotions welled up inside of me…
 –love that I never knew I was capable of,
              -wonder at how this little being could go soooo long without sleeping,
                        -fear at the thought that I might make a mistake that would ruin her.

  There had been years of praying, hoping, and fighting to get to this moment when at last we finally had become parents.  We had embraced God’s plan for us to adopt. We considered it a privilege to have the opportunity to rescue a child that might otherwise have not made it.  And so we had worked really hard, wading through endless amounts of paperwork, interviews, scrimping and saving, and waiting month after month, all with an end purpose in mind-to save a baby’s life.

  But sitting there on that day; the reality of the responsibility of that battle victory was now setting in. I had fought to save the life of this precious baby and now it was my responsibility to give her a life – to nourish her, train her, to provide for her.

As I watched and read about the March for Life this year, I’ve heard many share much about how this year there is a hope that we haven’t had for a long time. There have been years of fighting and praying, and waiting all with an end purpose in mind- to save the lives of millions of babies who would not otherwise live.

 I myself, share in that hope. Not only as a Christian, but as a parent of children who very well could have been one of those statistics, these issues run deep.

But I also pray that, we as the body of Christ, are prepared for the responsibility that will come after.  
Are we preparing to be life-givers and not just life-savers?

Are we making room in our lives to nourish, train, and provide for unwed mother’s and unwanted babies who will make their way to our doorstep needing somewhere to go?

Are we linking arms with our local crisis pregnancy centers ensuring them that as they open their door, we will be there to support them?

  This week that toothless, little, baby girl turned 14 years old and I am watching a transformation take place before my eyes as this baby grows into a young lady who loves the Lord. 

And I want to go back to that moment.

That moment when it all seemed so overwhelming and have a conversation with that newbie mom.
 If I could, I would tell her that she was right about some things…
       this is a hard job sometimes…
                                    it would be tiring, messy, and frustrating, full of mistakes,
                                                     and she would soon discover that she could not do it on her own.

But there would also be moments of
                                            joy and amazement
                                                             and miracles
                                                                     and there would be grace over her weaknesses,                
               and she would know that she was never meant to do this alone…and she never was.

  I pray that as we begin to enter this new season of hope, we will not become overwhelmed …but we would make room in our lives to be life-givers to embrace even the messy, frustrating moments of that calling. That as we rely on The Life-Giver’s strength, we would experience the joy and amazement as we watch transformations take place before our eyes.

“A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10
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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Too Farsighted to See What's Right in Front of You

“You’re far sighted but your lack of nearsightedness 

 is starting to affect your far vision.”

  I was sitting in my eye doctor appointment enduring an exam that was way overdue.  I don’t like taking time out of the day for things like doctor visits and so I had put this appointment off until my life was being so greatly affected by my vision that I had to stop and have an exam.  I mean when you miss your coffee cup while pouring in the creamer …things get serious. I had reached that point.   

Her words were eye opening, pun intended.  


                    far·sight·ed ˈfärˌsīdəd,färˈsīdəd/adj

                   -unable to see things clearly, especially if they are relatively close to the eyes

                   -seeing or able to see for a great distance.

                   -having imagination or foresight.

I have a goal oriented personality …I like to stay focused on what’s ahead.  It’s not a bad quality. 

Far sight or foresight gives us purpose.

But in my effort to focus on what’s ahead, I sometime miss what’s right under my nose.  

And what’s happening near me right now is important too.  

My lack of near sight or insight can actually affect my foresight. 



Because, while foresight gives us purpose, insight gives us understanding.  

When we have no insight it can affect the way we view what's ahead.

Foresight gives us the dream, insight gives us the guidance to get there. 

Psalms 119:18

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. 

When we disregard understanding it affects our purpose, because we miss out on the preparational wisdom gleaned from those little God-given vision exams along the way.

That's why Paul prayed for the Church at Ephasus to have understanding.

Ephesians 1:18

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (given understanding), so that you will know what is the hope (expectation) of His calling, what are the riches (abundance) of the glory (view) of His inheritance (given for you to possess) in the saints...

Can I just take it a step further...

When we disregard understanding it affects people.

Maybe you been the hit-and-run victim of someone's attempt to race toward their purpose while being run over in the process.  

It hurts. 

Sometimes their vision has become so impaired that they don't even recognize that they've run over you. 

That hurts more.

As we place our toes at starting line of 2017, everyone seems focused on what's ahead for the year. We are full of goals, resolutions,dreams and visions for the future.  But in order to get there, let us not lose sight of what is right in front of our face.  

This moment needs to be seen. 

In 2017 I want to move ahead with full vision.

Lord, help us not to be so busily focused on what’s ahead, that we miss life’s little exams. The Now-Testings that have been placed in our path to help us understand the blurry areas of our heart, the things that need correcting in order to keep us from stumbling as we walk towards our future purpose.

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