Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let's Dance!!

I searched through a line of 16 little girls all bouncing around as a hip hop beat sounded in the background. It was Ella's first dance class, a big day in the life of a little girl who once claimed that she was "born to dance". We had been running a little late, so I had quickly given her a peck on the cheek, and left her in the care of her dance instructor as I joined the other parents watching through a window. I spotted her in the front row, eyes focused on her instructor, attempting to mimic her every move. 
  But as I began to watch her, an unexpected rush of emotion welled up in me and I struggled to keep my composure as feelings of love, joy, and pride for my little girl overwhelmed me. Oh, her timing was a little off at moments, she even missed some steps all together, and she stumbled a few times as she struggled to keep her balance. No, it was certainly not a perfect performance that moved me -it was her passion. It was the way she abandoned herself to the dance and kept her eyes focused on her instructor. She was not deterred by a few stumbles, nor did she let a few missed steps stop her from moving forward. She paid no mind to whether she was dancing as well as the girl beside her and she gave no thought to the fact that someone else may have noticed her inabilities.
  I stood there in awe, a proud momma, filled with such love and delight, realizing that my five year old little girl had discovered something that had taken me years into adulthood to learn. I thought back to all the missed opportunities, when I was afraid to pursue the very things that I was "born to do" simply because I would not be able to do them perfectly. I allowed the thought that someone might be watching critically,that I might miss a step, or even stumble, keep me from moving forward. I concluded that since other did it so much better, I shouldn't even try. Somehow I just quit "dancing" all together.  
  What about you?  Are you pursuing the passion that God created you to do?  Our Heavenly Father has created each of us with a gifts and passions. He left us in the hands of awesome Instructor, the Holy Spirit, to guide our every move.  Be assured He is watching us from "the window" and He is not moved by perfection (He never even expected it) but He delights in your obedience as you pursue your passion in sweet abandon. So don't be afraid...get out there and DANCE!! Pin It

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